Channel: apple |
To refresh the discussion about apple, I like what one guy said once: "I like apple products, but their strategy is nazi. Therefore I do not buy their products". Actually, the same holds for me :) | |||
Bow chicka wowow | |||
Whats up homie | |||
@zabzja Darwin ([Link] ), the Unix MacOS is based on, is indeed open-source. However, the graphical user interface is only included in the commercial MacOS. | |||
@at I actually didn't know that this functionality is not provided (I will check it out later though). So guess that answers the question whether "cut" is needed in "Finder". Definitely not - just because the drag and drop works really good! | |||
@cm The problem with mails is not because of my phone, but because of my mail server backend, which implements some older version of ActiveSync. However,I am waiting for an Android phone, which will have good GPS-Navigation SW and then I will change to | |||
"I wouldn't be happy, I would maybe take another device rather" — [Irony mode:on] this sounds strange especially because you can leave without mails in russian in 2011, so why are you so feature hungry in smartphones? :-)) [Irony mode:off] | |||
@cm You might have not used that feature, because you seems to be happy with the feature set provided with your device. I wouldn't be happy, I would maybe take another device rather then accepting that. | |||
And anyway as long as we have this |
@at I use an iPhone for 1.5 years. During that time I copypasted 2-3 times. Stop invent "problems" for other people. | |||
@at and how did you do such an important thing on you phone before it got a smartphone? | |||
Hmm, and what about the missing "text-selection-and-copy-and-pasty" feature at first iPhones? User's don't need this feature too? So, nobody should be able to copy some text from, let's say a website' and paste it into an SMS. | |||
@ulan well I wouldn't even listen to 20% if this would affect other perfectly happy 80% | |||
@at there has to be a line between minimalism and feature-bloat. If only 2% of users ask for a feature then it might wise not to listen to them. But I don't see any harm from keyboard shortcuts. Maybe apple thinks: "Wanna use shortcuts? Use command line | |||
So apple didn't included this function because people don't need it ;)? typical os system - if the featuer is not there, then this is because users don't need it ;) | |||
@ulan there is a delay in OSX too! However, I should admit that I move files maybe 2-3 times per year, so I don't really care :) | |||
@cm that works in windows too, however, there is a slight delay (1-2 sec) between hovering and opening. I guess it requires great patience and steady hand to move a file from one deep hierarchy to another. :) | |||
@at indeed, you don't need it. I can drag and drop files by hovering them over folders which open automatically. So no need for Ctrl-x and the same time amount needed as with cut. This OS is just superior :) | |||
why there is no cut option there? Users just don't need it ;) | |||
@at @at "so much about Macs :)" — once I have seen a PC that didn't work. How are people working with these PCs? :) | |||
@at yep, there is no cut in finder. | |||
ok 2 professors, 1 junior professor and one Dr. all from the field of #computer-graphics are staying around that poor guy and trying to get MacBook output VGA Signal :) | |||
A poor guy at our conference has troubles to get an video output from a Mac to a beamer, people are droping their suggestions to him how they sometimes solve that issue. so much about Macs :) | |||
Is it true that there is no "cut" commando in the Mac OS X "explorer", I mean the ctrl-x hotkey as in #windows and #linux ? | |||
"It's amazing how much we have advanced forward in a decade" — [Link] | |||
@ulan oh and of course, if you want to read Amazon books on iPad, but Amazon leaves the platform, don't buy iPad. And we will see how Apple will deal with it. However, I think, in the choice Amazon vs. iPad it's not Apple who will suck... C'est la vie :) | |||
@ulan Apple says they "brought a customer". Weird but reasonable. And most importantly, that's their terms of service. No one forces Amazon to agree on it. If you don't like the host, don't attend the party, right? Time will show, whether it's a mistake. | |||
why so little flame on the channel with such a great name? :) @cm I disagree, let's say, I want to read a book on iphone, so I go and buy it on Amazon via kindle. What apple did during this purchase to earn 30% of the book? | |||
@zabzja I do not increase it, it get automatically increased when somebody upvotes your post ;) We are going off-topic here, so let us follow the discussion about the karma at #karma-on-bebbl-what-for | |||
just realized that the number beside my name changes. Is this the karma? how do you gonna increase it? | |||