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hey, why the downvote?
zabzja, 13 years ago  
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actually i donnu care about all that license stuff, i give a shit on that.
zabzja, 13 years ago  
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I agree with @zabzja that the policy of some big companies is not very friendly to a smaller app-developer. I've read that even Readability abandones now their apps, although Safari includes their "code" as native functionality. so much to fairness
at, 13 years ago  
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@zabzja so what? They use BSD tools, and according to the BSD license everything is just fine. The rest is a matter of philanthropy. Which was never a subject of any corporation.
cm, 13 years ago  
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@cm i mean they are using tools from the community on which their whole system is build on, but makes it hard ofr others to get into their app-store
zabzja, 13 years ago  
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@zabzja unix != open source ;)
cm, 13 years ago  
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people also comlains about MS tyranny, so this is not new. but apple builds on open source (osX = unix), so it should give something back to the community for free
zabzja, 13 years ago  
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@zabzja Besides this — I do not like this particular move from Apple either. But I'm just tired to hear about Apple's tyranny. Not because I like Apple, but because I hate complaints. My principle is: do better or die. But don't fucking whine.
cm, 13 years ago  
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@zabzja really "nothing" ? Do you own an iPhone? 95% of the time I use the native apps only. A bit too high for 'nothing'...
cm, 13 years ago  
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hey dude, apple is nothing without their app builders. an iphone or ipad is only cool because of such a cool app-store. so come down, this noise is not baseless
zabzja, 13 years ago  
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Again this noise around Apple's decision to charge content providers taking 30% of all subscription fees. I can't hear it anymore. You don't like the rules of the platform? Then *don't f*****g provide your services on it*. Is it so difficult to understand?
cm, 13 years ago  
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