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Die Lösung: Mit der Kraft der Gedanken in ein neues Leben – Die Mentale Resonanz Methode – amazonia [Link]
ericola, 9 years ago  
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GoPro Kamera & Zubehör Hero3 Black Edition Outdoor Cover – amazonia [Link]
ericola, 10 years ago  
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Canon EOS 600D SLR-Digitalkamera (18 Megapixel, 7,6 cm (3 Zoll) – amazonia [Link]
ericola, 10 years ago  
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Reinschauen, mitmachen und informieren Blickwinkel - Portal [Link]
ericola, 10 years ago  
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Viral Marketing: Wie Sie Mundpropaganda gezielt auslösen – amazonia [Link]
ericola, 10 years ago  
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bebbl is a good alternative. there is a very little opportunity for data abuse. go for bebbl!
IMONEP, 12 years ago  
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anonymous, 12 years ago  
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Yeah, I heard already from some of my friends that facebook is not cool anymore. So it's time for a new social network, who will be the next???
joggy, 12 years ago  
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Look Inlined Image . Imagine how it looked 5 years ago? :) Nobody is too big to fail.
cm, 12 years ago  
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@anonym If all of my friends go away from facebook then I will also move away. I doubt that this happen in next 5 years
joggy, 12 years ago  
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Ich glaube, dass in 5 Jahren niemand mehr FB nutzen wird.
anonymous, 13 years ago  
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@guest Yeah, I like facebook because of all my friends which uses it. So, I feel a pressure to use it. I am not a technical, but it seems you guys do feel excited about facebook's move
joggy, 13 years ago  
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o dear, thats cool. I hope for all start-up guys that facebook will make everything open source, so that you all can benefit from this.
zabzja, 13 years ago  
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Facebook just shortly made public their hardware and software server building plans. So it can help other start-ups to see how to handle user scaling well. [Link]
at, 13 years ago  
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Hey folks, what do you think about the phenomena *Facebook* ?
guest, 13 years ago  
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