Channel: eurographics 2011 |
First key note is given by Kurt Akeley. He shows a lot of "ur-CG" done in early 80s and 90s by SGI hardware. The general essence of his talk is about projection and how to deal with problems introduced with this simple "division calculation". | |||
Hey, congratulations to Elmar and Tobias!! Please continue to keep us up-to-date, Art! :) | |||
Stefan Bruckner, Elmar Eisemann recieve an EG Young Researcher Award. Marie-Paule Cani received an EG Outstanding Technical Contribution Award. Congratulations!!! | |||
Best Ph.D. thesis award is given to: Adrien Bousseau, Thomas Cashman and Tobias Ritschel. Congratulations !!! | |||
today started by an opening ceremony. Besides an overview of the conference and warm welcome speech Eurographics awards were given to different people. | |||