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@at no I mean not a button, but a short list above messages or something like this. Yes, subscribe/unsubscribe could do this, but again only for channels a have already seen. What I mean works for new channels.
cm, 13 years ago  
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Button with subscribed channels is used by me pretty often (as soon as I want to write you in your private channel for example). However, I agree with the "Public Channels" button, this could reflect only the last 10-20 active channels.
at, 13 years ago  
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I kind of want to see ~10 last updated channels from my public space in the dashboard. This information will be updated MUCH more frequently than my subscribed channels and I ALWAYS have to click on Discover to see what's going on. @at what do you think
cm, 13 years ago  
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I'd suggest to display all reply-messages (with an @username in it) with smaller font, non-replies with bigger font, and the last (the top message) even larger, since it is the fresh information, which should be appealing!
cm, 13 years ago  
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@at Yes, I totally like this. And this [Link] is the same as I meant [Link]
cm, 13 years ago  
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@cm And when user is browsing to such a "temporary subscribed" channel we should show somewhere an icon or text (maybe on the side) which tells user that this channel is subscribed only temporary
at, 13 years ago  
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@cm I wouldn't go for an extra button, however I would just mark this channels in the list of subscribed channels differently (maybe different background color for tags, or different font)
at, 13 years ago  
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@at Yeah, why not — we subscribe him automatically until the channel gets inactive. However, this channels should be separated from explicitly subscribed, I think.
cm, 13 years ago  
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I am not sure, how do you specify the amount of days, he stays subscribes for. I would propose to subscribe him until the channel becomes inactive, i.e. if there are no messages for one day or so
at, 13 years ago  
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@at I have an idea, how we could solve the problem of temporal subscription! If a user posts to some unsubscribed channel, he is automatically subscribed let's say for one day. How do you like it?
cm, 13 years ago  
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I think the subscribed channel list should be sorted by activity just as all channels list.
cm, 13 years ago  
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@at When if have All New, then nobody will probably use this next unread button. I'll have to click it for EVERY new post. Whereas in all new you just scroll...
cm, 13 years ago  
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@cm Yes, I think we still then need such a list. "All New" list is however the more important feature. When this works and everything else, then we can go over and implement this button.
at, 13 years ago  
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@at Do we need "All New" list then?
cm, 13 years ago  
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I think we need some kind of a "Jump to next unread post of a subscribed channel" button in the dashboard. So that I can quickly jump in my list of all posts to the next unread post of another channel
at, 13 years ago  
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@at yes, we definitely need this.
cm, 13 years ago  
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@cm I think we should add a function for us, admin/moderators, for easy move of posts to some other channel. Otherwise, we might not need it at all, since this could break the "information flow"
at, 13 years ago  
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I think we should move some posts from #wibble-feedback to this channel.
cm, 13 years ago  
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