Channel: bebbl todo

Settings of your private channel bebbl todo:

This channel is publicly accessable.

Your post is to long. Please make it short.

You are currently not logged in. Choose a name to display with your post or put your Bebbl Username.

256 symbols left
Do a lot of PR so that everybody get know about Bebbl :)
at, 12 years ago  
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The default name of an invited user should be chosen just by the first part of the email. In the sign-up process write errors more understandable.
at, 13 years ago  
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Change sign-up process so that it get more clear that this is a sign-up, that user is asked to just fill out that less of information.
at, 13 years ago  
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Create drop-down menu on the menu-header-line. Dropdown menu will contain link to profile settings, list of friends and invitations, as also logout button. The logout button in the header can then be removed.
at, 13 years ago  
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Make the invitation mail looks nicer and include information there about who has invited actually a user to participate.
at, 13 years ago  
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Throw away the wallpapers in #coffee & #весна , since the function is not ready yet.
cm, 13 years ago  
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We need a page for FAQ & Impressum!
cm, 13 years ago  
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There are problems with the search, it cannot search for suffixes, i.e. "bbl" does not find all the "wibble" channels. This is since mysql cannot search for a suffix. An idea would be to store index also for reverse words, and then search for prefix :)
at, 13 years ago  
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Refactor ChannelController::displayPosts() this should be renamed into something like fetchPosts() since it ddelivers only an array with all the required data
at, 13 years ago  
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Smarty docs, parameter propagation.
cm, 13 years ago  
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Fix bugs with placefolders in FF
cm, 13 years ago  
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Enable sign-up only on invitations. Invitations could be sent by other users directly to mail accounts or just by generating tokens for direct access through URL (same as for invitations into channels
at, 13 years ago  
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Add temporary subscription to channels, where I've just posted recently. The temporary subscription should be active only until the |post|/day ratio is above the threshold you've started from (-eps).
at, 13 years ago  
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In the dashboard: disable clickability of posts.
cm, 13 years ago  
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FIX the bug with propagating events on link clicks in FF.
cm, 13 years ago  
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1. Private channel template! 2. create channels form (private/public + password) 3. channel_list for search
cm, 13 years ago  
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We definitely need a "search field" on the top. It is getting more and more annoying to find channels, where I want to participate. And our current list of channels is getting bigger and bigger
at, 13 years ago  
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Chnage the BG of permalink to dark.
cm, 13 years ago  
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At click on user name, refer to his profile.
cm, 13 years ago  
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Make word-wrap of nick names.
cm, 13 years ago  
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1. fix the bug with menu not-opening, after second click. 2. make gradient for the subscribe button. 3. collapsing the form
cm, 13 years ago  
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Add logic for users invited to private conversations. Users should be able to post only in this channel and only when they accessed through the received url.
at, 13 years ago  
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Make a permalink design.
cm, 13 years ago  
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At click on an avatar of any message, scroll up and open the input form for a new post with @username in it.
cm, 13 years ago  
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Word-wrap for nick names, messages.
cm, 13 years ago  
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Add table with reserved usernames, to prevent users to register with them. Reserved names are something like: dev, help, www, ...
at, 13 years ago  
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Можем даже напрямую соеденить контроллеры с такими частными каналами, типа hard coded
at, 13 years ago  
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Хмм, мы это по другому сделаем. У нас будет узер help, news, dev, api, и пару других. А в их частных каналах уже будем писать от нас, типа от производителей. Вот тебе и резервация.
at, 13 years ago  
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Поток, это чисто типа когда ПР делать будем, чтобы отличиться от чатов например. Типа если мы сделаем функцию сливка каналов, то в таком случае поток, как-то больше подходит. Хмм, а почеаааааааааааааа
at, 13 years ago  
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правда, тогда очевидно, что туда нельзя никому давать писать. по сути вопрос сводится к тому - есть ли делать для каналов опцию read-only?
cm, 13 years ago  
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